About Us

Who is TNT Justice Consultants?

TNT Justice Consultants is a group of notable professionals that come from an array of Justice, Social and Educational backgrounds to support and improve workplace excellence. Our group works together to deliver services for government organizations within the context of diversity training, investigations, audits, leadership training and many more. Our team is most known for its role in the improvements brought forward to the OACP Constable Selection System (CSS) and RCMP (i.e. police applicant testing and pre-screening).

What is Bias Test

  • Bias Test is an unconscious bias platform developed to provide employers with a more accessible and cost effective facility to bias test staff and job applicants in volume
  • Bias Test is only available directly to employers, and is not available to consultancies or resellers
  • Bias Test predicts the likelihood that unconscious bias may affect our behaviour
  • Bias Test is priced to allow high volume testing and can afford open access to testing for employees.
  • Bias Tess addresses many of the concerns expressed about the reliability and validity of open access public bias tests (see Blanton and Jaccard, 2006) and allows feedback to be automatically sent to test takers along with documentation to support bias mitigation at no extra cost
  • Bias Test includes versions measuring unconscious bias on the basis of Age, Bodyweight, Disability, Gender, Nationality and Sexual Orientation
  • We offer no charge test user training for employers using Skype and a low cost administration service to get you testing as soon as possible

Why Conduct IAT Tests?

  • There is a wealth of information supporting the efficacy of the IAT in helping people to recognize and understand their own implicit biases.  It is a recognized fact that everyone has implicit bias.  By virtue of these biases being implicit means that we do not consciously recognize them or the effects that they may have on our behaviour.  It is impossible to create unbiased people, but we can hope to create people who can recognize their personal biases and then choose to act in an unbiased manner.
  • This is particularly important in fields like law enforcement where an individual officer’s actions can have permanent or possibly life altering consequences for the people that they encounter.  Partial enforcement of the law runs contrary to our societal ideals and human rights.  It is contrary to Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Law Enforcement that any segment of society should be treated differently or subjected to more punitive law enforcement.  This is especially true if the grounds run contrary to one of the prohibited grounds for discrimination. 

How to use Bias Test

Bias Test may be used as:

  • A staff development tool, providing confidential personal feedback and self-insight
  • An audit tool to allow comparisons between sectors, with competitors and within departments/teams
  • An evaluation tool to examine the effect of interventions or to track bias levels across time
  • A screening tool as part of a selection/promotion process
  • A research tool to explore specific organisational issues

Bias Test Services

We also offer additional services in support of testing including test administration, data collation, unconscious bias training, training the trainers courses, research and consultancy.
Bias Test can also be made bespoke to your organisational issues and organisation.
Remember, to provide best value, Bias Test is only available directly to employers for volume testing, and is not available to consultancies or resellers

What Are the Benefits to an Organization to Conduct IAT Training?

The role that IATs could play in identifying implicit bias were brought to the forefront by the Project Implicit created at Harvard University in 1998.  The subsequent work of Blanton, H., & Jaccard, J. (2006) identified several areas where Project Implicit failed to achieve construct validity.  Dr. Pete Jones created a new IAT called Implicitly specifically with the goal of addressing Project Implicit’s shortfalls. 

Implicitly has now been used throughout the United Kingdom and Europe with impressive results.  It is used by law enforcement and many other segments in the private sector.  TNT Consultants is proud to be able to partner with Dr. Jones to bring Implicitly to North America.

What are the negative impacts of implicit bias within a workplace (particular to a law enforcement environment)?

There are few negative aspects to law enforcement making use of Implicitly.  Officers who are aware of their personal implicit biases can only serve to reassure the public in the impartial enforcement of the law by those entrusted to do so.  By first helping officers to identify their implicit bias and then providing them with a tool kit that they can use to self-regulate against potential implicit bias, is to help inoculate officers and their services from civil or criminal liability.  Most people are pleased if not surprised to discover if they have implicit bias in any one of over 120 different test areas available.  They are often also relieved to confirm that they are not alone or broken if they display bias in each area.  Knowledge is power and to become aware is to enable people to be better versions of themselves.

Why is this important for Law Enforcement/Front-line officers?

The effects of implicit bias can vary widely.  Often their effects can be subtle like not listening to someone as attentively or dismissing their points of view.  On the extreme end of the spectrum they may impair an individual’s ability to treat the victim in a fair or impartial manner.  These results can be devastating if the person being influenced is in a position of power.